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Sofort versandfertig,
Die Crane Song Analog Dither CD beinhaltet das gleiche patentierte Dithering Signal das die Crane Song Geräte Spider und HEDD mit an Bord haben.
Das auf der CD enthaltene Signal wird auf eine Spur der digitalen Multitrack oder des Harddisk-Recorders aufgenommen und dem Mix beigemischt.
Leblose Digitalsounds gewinnen an Lebendigkeit und Dichte und besitzen plötzlich eine Wärme in den tiefen Frequenzen.
OK, I admit it: I'm a Cranesong fan. I wouldn't trade my STC-8 for anything, and now there's 'Analog Dither'. I was inerested when I heard about this disc - analog dither? - but what caught my attention was that Dave Hill created it. 16 bit audio CAN sound good - fades are smooth and low level detail is great. No more harsh cymbals. No more grainy fades. This dither stays on my hard drive..."
Brad Blackwood | Mastering Engineer Ardent Studios
I got a CD labeled "Analog Dither" from Dave Hill..designer of Cranesong gear... it is analog noise that when mixed with program material seems to be a pleasant alternative to the digital dither we all know and hate. I tested it on mixed material and the difference was easily audible although the noise was not. Added a real analog thickness to low frequencies." "Dave's point to me was that normally dither is digitally produced. and he spent some time generating an analog dither that is to my ears smoother and warmer sounding. The effect on low frequencies is majorly sognificant [sic] to me, as I sometimes have a problem creating low end fullness on digital media... John A. Chiara | SOS Recording Studio Albany, NY